We aim to build predictive models to help understand human movement using a combination of theory, computational modeling, and experiments

We are a part of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT , have a shared affiliation with Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the new Schwarzman College of Computing.

We are hiring for multiple open positions. Please join us.


Understanding the objectives governing movement decisions

We aim to study the computational objectives that govern movement decisions, the contexts in which they arise, and how different objectives are traded-off with one another

For instance, we have studied the role of energy, stability, and time in governing movement


Understanding the strategies used to execute movement

We aim to study the internal and external variables that guide our actions, the mathematical relationship between these variables, and the algorithms by which they are coordinated

For instance, we have studied the internal variables that guide step to step locomotor control in the presence of noisy actuation

Understanding how new movements are learned

We aim to study how new movements are selected in the face of novel demands, how the space of solutions is explored, and the ways in which learning can be improved

For instance, we have developed a theory of locomotor adaptation that predicts multiple observed experimental phenomena

Our research is guided by the following principles

  • to study movements that are ecologically relevant and capture the complexity of movement in the real world

  • to build truly predictive models i.e. either theory-guided model predictions that suggest new experiments, or data-driven model predictions of phenomena not present in training

  • to let our scientific questions guide the datasets, tools, and level of biological analysis we work with, and not vice versa; what Nidhi calls a nails-not-hammers approach

  • to extend our science to the development of tools for neuromotor rehabilitation

  • to openly share all the data collected and code developed by us in useful form

  • to accelerate the rate of discovery in our field through meaningful collaborations


The Seethapathi Motor Control Group at MIT strives to be welcoming and supportive of individuals from all backgrounds and identities

We commit to helping each other succeed and grow together